With the Make Your Mark Mentorship over six months you’ll align with your authentic voice, break through barriers, and have mindset shifts in a safe supportive community. Through the work, you will develop confidence and tools to get unstuck and accelerate your growth.
Let me know if this sounds familiar
You’ve got plenty of inspiration and ideas for your artwork …
The problem is…
It’s hard to find the time or get started
You get stuck in the middle and have piles of unfinished work
You are struggling with finding your voice
You are willing to do the work, but you need a guide to keep you on the right track so you can start doing consistent work.
How would it feel to:
let go of your limiting beliefs
master techniques
gain confidence
have the support of a community
It is possible to paint a body of work that feels cohesive and like you but it depends on doing things differently.
You can get unstuck and learn to finish your paintings. This is possible when you have the support offered in the Make Your Mark Mentorship.
here’s how it works:
Weekly Check in on Zoom
Monthly Guided Feedback
Monthly Studio Working Session
Monthly Masterclass
Why go it alone?
Join a community of like-minded artists and accelerate your growth!
What make Your mark Mentorship students say:
“My experience with “Make Your Mark” exceeded all my expectations. First of all, Patt’s understanding of the balance between teaching and learning allowed me to be comfortable experimenting with new techniques. As a teacher, Patt knew when to push and when to give me space to cognitively figure things out. I enjoyed her demonstrations and appreciated her hands-on approach. Patt’s knowledge about art techniques and materials is impressive.
But most of all, the dialogue among Patt and the other participants was invaluable.”
“As a veteran participant in art workshops and a retired educator/evaluator, I am pleased to highly recommend Patt as an exceptional art instructor. Inspiration combined with perfect preparation, presentation, pacing, and production was excellent. Her interpersonal skills are both encouraging and effective in dealing with challenges with wit and wisdom. I would welcome opportunities to learn from Patt in the near future.”
“Patt has a great balance between direction and encouraging creativity. Instruction is clear and organized. Loved being introduced to strategies for working with acrylic.”
““The mentorship encouraged me to be more focused and committed to my art practice during that year,
which has continued after the mentorship ended. It also encouraged me to push the boundaries,
both in my art and in my life!
Thanks for a fabulous study experience Patt!
I look forward to coming back for more! ”
““ It’s an excellent opportunity for new and aspiring and even accomplished artists to grow in their creative process.
Personally, your program taught me general/universal painting information and techniques, the use of various mediums, and critiquing our own work as well as others in the program. It nurtured my desire to learn more techniques and paint with confidence.
Support among the group was very important to me. I appreciated the mentorship of you and other group members as well; I still value these artists as my friends and mentors.
I talk about your program and your talent as a teacher with others interested in my work and in developing their abilities as artists. You are very good at what you do... your art and your teaching. Your attention to detail, workshop preparation, organization, and ability to communicate and share your expertise are all stellar! The next group of MYM participants are very fortunate! Congratulations, Patt!”
meet the creator of make your mark mentorship program:
Hi, I am Patt Scrivener and I have been a professional artist for over 20 years.
As far back as I can remember I was always drawing and colouring! Growing up on a farm in Saskatchewan was often a lonely existence. Summers were long and isolating. I filled my days with making things, painting, sewing, creating in some way.
I often got into trouble for this and was constantly reminded to do my chores and then I could do what pleased me.
This instilled a message in me that I carried into my adulthood – creative activities were for when the work was done! One day I realized the work would never be done and I needed to do my work.
“When I originally signed up, I was hoping to find myself as an artist. I did do that, but, there was so much more.
I now feel that I am a much better critic. I learned to see! I am not so attached to my work that I can’t paint over it.
Also, I feel a confidence that I did not have before the course. Patt is a great instructor and mentor.
It was very worthwhile, I am very glad I chose to do it, nothing but praise from me”
Paint your best work with make your mark mentorship
The projected start date is March with weekly check-ins (recorded zoom calls) monthly studio working sessions, guided feedback, and a masterclass.